Haha....I really enjoyed last Sunday
食字路口 organised by
Jacqueline, Zen and Ruby....
For those who have watch Jacky Wu (吴宗宪) program on Channel U....you guys sure know how to play this 食字路口 thing....
And for those who don't know.....well....go find out yourself....it's cool....hahaha....well...basically we need to go around looking for dishes and link these dishes together....
For example....if the 1st dish we eat is a
Fillet O Fish....den the 2nd dish might be Fishball noodles or
Fish head curry.....and the 3rd might be
Curry chicken.....( But please take note, this 食字路口 game is play using Chinese Character and not English!!! I just make an example above for those friends who are non-Chinese)
So this 食字路口 commence at Chinatown and we have more than 30 people participating in it!!
So the 3 organiser aka the 3 小天使 (angel) divide us into 3 large group....and each group will have one 小天使 following them( The 小天使 are more like a facilitator and ensure that none of the group play cheat in the event of playing 食字路口) ...小天使 were also tasked to give the group the 迷头, 迷中 and 迷脚 ( meaning the 1st dish, the middle dish and the last dish) at the correct interval so as to allow the game to be play smoothly.
So the
Name of my group was Balls of Fury (LOL....we came out the group name ourselves) our
team leader is Caleb and our
小天使 is Ruby....we also came out a cheer for our mighty team!!!
We kick off this 食字路口 at
Chinatown...and after some dishes that we ate and some tasks that we did....we make our way to
Geylang (where the 迷中 was) and then back to
Bugis, monster ice (where the 迷脚 was)
We have to finished all dishes that we came across....and If I didn't remember wrongly...we actually ate nearly 10 dishes or more....well....
Before the commencement of the game: We took some picture.... ....
Tanya, Me and Daniel
Our 小天使 Ruby and Miss Tanya
One of the 小天使 Zen, showing us the 迷头While waiting for our 1st dish, the 迷头-- Ah bailing 汤圆....:
Our leader Caleb ( The one between Tanya and Daniel)
Cheese!! Just can't wait to eat our 1st dish
Ruby, Valerie and Tanya
Promoting the 汤圆... ....
Finally...our 1st dish....We have to finish all the food that we came across....and If I didn't remember wrongly....we ate nearly 10 dishes or more... Here are some pictures to share with U guys :

At the End Point :
Yeah!! I get to 敲 the 锣 meaning misson accomplished.
Balls of Fury!!!
The Whole Entire group of us.... ....At the end point (some where in Bugis)...all of us are shag and tired....
But this 食字路口 is really fun...much much fun than I expected!!!!!
Well....although my team came in last.... ....
The end result doesn't really matter....wat really matter is in the event of playing it.....
Congratulation to the team that have won!! LOL....hopefully U all enjoy the movie too!!
And once again....Thanks so much to Jacqueline, Zen and Ruby who organised this activity!!!
See you guys around!!!