28th Of November is my Dearest Mummy Birthday!!!!! And this year....we decided to celebrate it on a Sunday. So we have a small celebration on last Sunday (25th of November)
So my Sis and I went out in the afternoon to hunt for a gift for mummy!!! Guess what we bought for her.....( The answer can be found in the pictures...take a good look at Mummy's Right Hand)
And Dad drove us out in the evening for a big feast!!!!!
And later that Night....we have a mini birthday Cake celebration....Wahahhaha....here some pic to share with u guys.... ....
We took turns taking pictures with Mummy:
Dad & Mum
Mum & Sis
Mummy and ME!!!Mum's Birthday Cake:
Isn't it beautiful??Mummy in action:
Making a wish... ....
Blowing the candles...
Cutting the cake!!!Hmm.....I am glad that Mummy love the present that I had bought!!!
And Once again....gonna wish Mummy a very very happy happy birthday!!!!!!
I love my Mummy!!!! Love my family!!!! CHeerSssSSSS!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~
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