Went to Yan Wei's house on Monday to join my Mahjohn Kaki ( Tiew, Kuang Liang) for a great Mahjohn session.....hahaha....it was indeed a long time since i last play with them....well....i didn't win any money.....so u guys get it?
Haha....hey people...still remember i mention about the gal working in Mind cafe?? The gal who i say look so pure, innocent, so decent...so different from the gals i have come across so far..the gal who look like snow-white.....haha....well...This gal really caught my buddies attention...and as i have mention...we went to Mind Cafe on Monday night after the Mahjohn session...before we reach there...Joshua, Victor, Herbert was already at Plaza Singapura...and this time round...Danson and Li ye join us...well....to our disappointment...this gal was not working on that day....haiz...too bad...hahaha....can see that some of my buddies are so so dissapointed....haha...i don't want to mention names....hahaha....
And i will like to apologize to Victor..Herbert...Joshua...Danson and Li ye...i know u guys wait for us ( The Mahjohn Gang) for dinner...we don't really want to be late...but during the last round of the Mahjohn, the Banker keep winning and so we can't change the Banker position....sorry...i know you guys dun really take it to heart right??? Brothers Forever!!!
And i want to say a big Thank YOu to by SIS...reason: it's a big secret between me and my sis!!
But what i have to say is that, i am really touch that my sis is willing to help me....when i approach her for help....she straight away reply "OK"....really...i am so touch....i almost cry...i am not joking.....once again...THANK YOU SIS!!!!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Sembawang Hot spring!!!!

The hot spring was not like what i had imagine...initially i tot that the hot spring will look like hot water coming out from deep under the ground and gather to form a pool of hot water ( I saw one in Pulau Tekong before)....but to my surprise...the hot spring look like the photo that i have posted above....haha....look like HDB running tab hor?? Hahaha...
So...to use the hot spring....u need to have some pails....open the tab...hot water will start flowing down into the pails....after u have collect the pail of hot water....u can use it to clean ur hand...ur face....well....we choose to soak our leg...haha....some people even took a bath there...yeah...i am not joking!!!!

Saturday, January 27, 2007
My Birthday and ORD dinner!!!

First of all...i want to say a big THANK YOU to all my friends who sent me Happy birthday sms on my birthday eve and on my birthday....really..thanks so much....i really appreciate that!!!! Thank you...And Wei Long....thanks for calling me and wish me happy birthday...have not been seeing u for years...haha...didn't expect u to call me...haha....meet up soon...ok? we will ask eng soon along... haha...
Hmm....Last year...i spent my 21st birthday in camp doing guard duty with Charles and Seah...and this year...i am involve in the COC parade (Change Of Command)...hmm....well...no choice...
But...U people know something??? LOL...my 22nd birthday happened to be on the same date with my battalion ORD dinner...haha...as such i spent my birthday evening in a Chinese restaurant near Bukit Batok MRT station ( i couldn't remember the name) with all my army friends...haha...one whole battalion of friends....lol...well....this year birthday was indeed a special one for me...haha...to spend it in a restaurant with one whole Unit of friends celebrating my birthday and my ORD..the whole ballroom was booked...lol...i think i won't ever get to do that again....haha...
And...now i am only left with 10 more days to ORD!!!!! Hahaha...so happy!!!!.....ORD LOR!!!!
My Birthday Eve...The Mind Cafe... ...
24th of Jan Wednesday...My birthday eve... heez...went Mind cafe with Kuan Liang, Tiew, Yan Wei, Victor, Herbert and Joshua...it's the first time i went there with them...haha...it's the first time these buddies went there also....
Initially, we just want to go there to play some broad game and have a nice pleasant evening at the cafe...well...we did enjoyed ourselves and beside that all my buddies... yeah...is all my buddies..all of them are attracted to one of the staff there...she is a very nice decent looking young lady with long straight hair and a big pair of eye...i think she is new...i have been there for a couple of times and the latest trip was last month but it was the first time i saw her there..
She's so different...i really don't know how to put it in words...she looks so pure..so innocent...so decent....so different from the gals i have come across so far...she caught the attention of my buddies not just by her beauty..in fact we have seen gals who are better looking than her..but...she's really special...really like the snow-white or the mermaid from the fairy tales...haha...maybe u people can go to Mind Cafe and check it out....haha...
Here's another thing to share with u people....when she was teaching us how to play a particular game..one of my friends..erm..nope..not just one..LOL...okie..my friends find it difficult to concentrate....haha....you guys should know wat's the reason behind.....Hahaha....LOL!!!!
That gal...that gal was the first gal who all my buddies find her pretty....haha..cos for most of the case...we will have different views...some of us might find a particular gal good looking while some may not...and this is common among my buddies...but that gal...that gal working in the cafe...she is the first gal who all my buddies agreed that she is indeed beautiful....heez...
My buddies suggest we go there again on Monday...and this time round...we will bring Li Ye along.....hahaha....well....we shall see...!!!
Initially, we just want to go there to play some broad game and have a nice pleasant evening at the cafe...well...we did enjoyed ourselves and beside that all my buddies... yeah...is all my buddies..all of them are attracted to one of the staff there...she is a very nice decent looking young lady with long straight hair and a big pair of eye...i think she is new...i have been there for a couple of times and the latest trip was last month but it was the first time i saw her there..
She's so different...i really don't know how to put it in words...she looks so pure..so innocent...so decent....so different from the gals i have come across so far...she caught the attention of my buddies not just by her beauty..in fact we have seen gals who are better looking than her..but...she's really special...really like the snow-white or the mermaid from the fairy tales...haha...maybe u people can go to Mind Cafe and check it out....haha...
Here's another thing to share with u people....when she was teaching us how to play a particular game..one of my friends..erm..nope..not just one..LOL...okie..my friends find it difficult to concentrate....haha....you guys should know wat's the reason behind.....Hahaha....LOL!!!!
That gal...that gal was the first gal who all my buddies find her pretty....haha..cos for most of the case...we will have different views...some of us might find a particular gal good looking while some may not...and this is common among my buddies...but that gal...that gal working in the cafe...she is the first gal who all my buddies agreed that she is indeed beautiful....heez...
My buddies suggest we go there again on Monday...and this time round...we will bring Li Ye along.....hahaha....well....we shall see...!!!
Monday, January 22, 2007
My Birthday!!!

Yeah...it's my birthday!!! Haha...u people thinks it's early?? Yeah....my official birthday is 25th of Jan....but i usually celebrate my birthday twice a year....LOL....Haha....The first celebration is usually with my family...my family will celebrate the birthday according to the Chinese Lunar calender date....so according to the Chinese Lunar calender...my Lunar birthday has arrive....hahaha.....i am now 22 year's old....OMG!!!!!!! I have always thought that i am 18....haha...
The celebration with my family is simple..but i really feel so warm celebrating my birthday with my Dad, Mum and Sis....i am so glad..i am so happy that i have such a nice happy family....ehhehehhe....
The photos shown below include photos that i took in some Chinese Restaurant...my family took me to a Chinese Restaurant for a big feast!!!! HAhahahha....LOL....and after that..they bought me a birthday cake...and we have a small celebration at home.....haha....
I want to say a big THANK YOU to my family....I am so happy that i am in this happy family....
I Love my Family!!!!
Ok.....i am 22 now....hmm.....i am getting older....OMG!!!!
Party World & Happy Hour!!!
Went Party World KTV with Tiew, Yan Wei and Kuang Liang last Thursday after our Dental FFI at Nee Soon Camp...too bad Li Ye can't join us....happened to meet Jeremy at Nee Soon camp Medical center....it has really been a long time since i last seen him...the last time i seen him should be at 2005 at BMTC ( Basic Military Training Center)...BMT POP (Pass Out Parade)....hahaha...tt's long, isn't it??? And i met Ali also....he was my SISPEC ASLC platoon mate...he ran with me for the 16km run in SISPEC Pulua Tekong....he is now a MP(MIlitary Police) in Nee Soon camp...
Okie..back to the party world thing...Initially we thought that with the Party World KTV voucher...we might be able to cut down on the total expenses but in the end we actually spent more than what we expected...ok..we did had discount for the coverage charge...but the tibits and the fruits were so expensive...one small little plate of fruits actually cost us $7.80.....and the tibits was around the same price....haiz...so in the end...we didn't really save much with the voucher....
Later that evening...went back to camp for a Specialist Happy Hour in the specialist Mess...almost all the commanders, specialist and the officers participated in the Happy Hour...hmm..most likely it will be the last happy hour for us in Amoy Quee Camp, 2 SIR...haha...drink quite alot of beer and liquor that evening....and we had one evil plan...and that is to make Danson drunk....hahaha...he had never drink beer or liquor before.....so we decided to make him drink that night....and u people know what? My Encik ( Company Sergeant Major aka CSM) participated in this evil plan too....hahaha...he mixed alot of drinks for Danson....haha...and sometime make Danson drink pure hard Liquor....LOL.....
And during the happy hour in the specialist mess....i saw a different side of my Encik...it's the first time i drink with him....he share with us lotsa his army stories....and some of his life experience.....hahaha...after the happy hour in the specialist mess...we found out that we didn't really have enough yet....and so we proceed to BOat Quay, Colour Zone Bar.....hahaha...
When we arrived at the Bar....Fahmy, Ah Wee, Linda and Wei Ling were already there...hahahha...Fahmy and Ah Wee was so shock to see our Encik....they didn't expect Encik to come along.....haahaha....well...Encik open 2 bottles of liquor....we wanted to pay our share too...but Encik didn't want to accept our money...hmm....Well....We continue to stay there drinking, singing, enjoying ourselves.....make Danson drink again and again and again....we make him drink glass after glass after glass....Encik really take care of Danson...making sure that the drinks that Danson drink is not too concentrated with the liquor....hahahaha....we stay there all the way till 3am ...
I really enjoyed myself that night....it's the first time i drink with my Encik...i hope it's not going to be the last time....i will miss my Encik after i ORD...although he scolded me frequently when i just posted to 2SIR, Charlie company and when i first take over the appointment of HQ Platoon Sergeant...but looking back now....he had really taught me alot of things...I want to say again : "THANK YOU EnCIK"!!!!!!
Okie..back to the party world thing...Initially we thought that with the Party World KTV voucher...we might be able to cut down on the total expenses but in the end we actually spent more than what we expected...ok..we did had discount for the coverage charge...but the tibits and the fruits were so expensive...one small little plate of fruits actually cost us $7.80.....and the tibits was around the same price....haiz...so in the end...we didn't really save much with the voucher....
Later that evening...went back to camp for a Specialist Happy Hour in the specialist Mess...almost all the commanders, specialist and the officers participated in the Happy Hour...hmm..most likely it will be the last happy hour for us in Amoy Quee Camp, 2 SIR...haha...drink quite alot of beer and liquor that evening....and we had one evil plan...and that is to make Danson drunk....hahaha...he had never drink beer or liquor before.....so we decided to make him drink that night....and u people know what? My Encik ( Company Sergeant Major aka CSM) participated in this evil plan too....hahaha...he mixed alot of drinks for Danson....haha...and sometime make Danson drink pure hard Liquor....LOL.....
And during the happy hour in the specialist mess....i saw a different side of my Encik...it's the first time i drink with him....he share with us lotsa his army stories....and some of his life experience.....hahaha...after the happy hour in the specialist mess...we found out that we didn't really have enough yet....and so we proceed to BOat Quay, Colour Zone Bar.....hahaha...
When we arrived at the Bar....Fahmy, Ah Wee, Linda and Wei Ling were already there...hahahha...Fahmy and Ah Wee was so shock to see our Encik....they didn't expect Encik to come along.....haahaha....well...Encik open 2 bottles of liquor....we wanted to pay our share too...but Encik didn't want to accept our money...hmm....Well....We continue to stay there drinking, singing, enjoying ourselves.....make Danson drink again and again and again....we make him drink glass after glass after glass....Encik really take care of Danson...making sure that the drinks that Danson drink is not too concentrated with the liquor....hahahaha....we stay there all the way till 3am ...
I really enjoyed myself that night....it's the first time i drink with my Encik...i hope it's not going to be the last time....i will miss my Encik after i ORD...although he scolded me frequently when i just posted to 2SIR, Charlie company and when i first take over the appointment of HQ Platoon Sergeant...but looking back now....he had really taught me alot of things...I want to say again : "THANK YOU EnCIK"!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
I am enjoying my life!!!! 20 more days to ORD!!

Hmm...it's time for me to update my blog...haha...have been enjoying my life recently...20 more days to ORD....hahaaha...i am now on leave and clearing my Off....and u people know what??
I have found a job!!! Yes!!!! A job for me to do after i ORD.....haha...yeah...i am gonna be a tuition tutor....currently still finalizing some stuff with the person in charge...if everything go on smoothly...i will start to give my tuition lesson on Mid of Feb...or maybe eariler..heez.....and people....if u all got tuition lobang..pls let me know ok??? Thanks ya!!!
So what have i been doing for these few days...hmm...going out with friends...shopping....movie.....chatting....starbucking ( drinking coffee at starbuck...my fav hang out place with friends)....pubbing....drinking....hahaha....sometimes will spend time at home reading books and playing games..watching VCD.....hahaha...u people envy my life??? Hahaha..well....this is only temporary...heez..... .... Life is beautiful.....LOL.....heez....
Went to Boat Quay with my drinking Kaki last night....spent the whole night there till 4am...hmm...but i wasn't as "high" as before....haha...didn't drink too much either....i think i am starting to feel sick for clubbing and pubbing already....hahaha...maybe i simply had too much already....think it's really time i cut down....Orh...my new year resolution stated : DUN GO CLUBBING......ahahahha....i think it's kinda difficult for me to not go at all....maybe i will just cut down???....hahaha....Nope...not maybe....it's confirm i will CUt Down.....!!!!
Happened to chat with 2 female friends who i have not been contacting for quite sometimes....one of them is my primary schoolmates..and she sat beside me when we were having Chinese lesson...haha...we were rather close then...and i am really happy to hear that these 2 friends of mine have married to the guys they love...one of them has a 3 months old baby....haha....they have already or are building their happy family...really feel so happy for them.....hmm....when will my turn come???? HAhaha.....time really files...so many people and things had changed....
Well... ...congratulation to my friends.....hmm... ... 20 more days to ORD.....hmm...i will continue to enjoy my life....hahaaha....life is colourful but short....let us all live our life to the fullest!!!!!
Haha...will be going Party World 2moro....yeah!!!! HAHA!!!
Monday, January 15, 2007
One Last Dance
Went out with Herbert, Joshua and Li Ye to ViVo city on Sat. Herbert and Li Ye said that they never went there be4...OMG.....can't believe it...well....we take Train from city hall....den to Dhoby Ghaut station and den all the way to Harbour Front. But the interesting part is that we saw a bird inside Dhoby Ghaut station!!!! YEs a bird!!!! a sparrow i think.....i took a video and took a picture of it....this small little cute bird was inside Dhoby Ghaut station....outside the platform of North-South line(Between Marina to Jurong East VIA Woodlands) ...we wonder how the bird actually flew into the station...and moreover...it's Dhoby Ghaut station!!!! u peope sure know how big Dhoby Gauth Station is right????!!! So how did this small little bird flew into the station?? Haha....interesting isn't it?? We initially wanted to catch the bird and den free the bird outside the station...but this tiny one was jumping and flying all over the place....we had no choice but to inform the staff...hopefully this small little cute bird is free now...
Went VIVO city to do some window shopping...and we were trying very hard to persuade Li Ye to have some changes in his apperance....haha...he is always in polo shirt.....haha... Herbert want to change the entire wardrobe of Li Ye.... Joshua and i want to change Li Ye fashion sense....Wahaha...we spent out time looking for clothes and we almost forget about our dinner and the movie... ....when we realise that we were yet to have our dinner...it was already 620pm...and the movie gonna start at 640pm!!!! So wat to do...we force ourselves to eat quickly at BurgerKing (Herbert almost can't finish his food...well..too rush indeeed)....and rush toward cineplex to catch the movie.
The Movie, One Last Dance aka Cha Wu...definitely worth watching...which i think is better than Confession of Pain and Golden Flower....it's about a hit man and how he take revenge for his friend and the woman he love...i really enjoy the movie..and i like the way the movie is present....it require u to think and re-arrange the picture and sence while u are watching it...and if u are smart enough....u should be able to understand the movie.....it's indeed a great movie....i think i will watch it for the second time...yeah...i gonna watch this movie again....
Went VIVO city to do some window shopping...and we were trying very hard to persuade Li Ye to have some changes in his apperance....haha...he is always in polo shirt.....haha... Herbert want to change the entire wardrobe of Li Ye.... Joshua and i want to change Li Ye fashion sense....Wahaha...we spent out time looking for clothes and we almost forget about our dinner and the movie... ....when we realise that we were yet to have our dinner...it was already 620pm...and the movie gonna start at 640pm!!!! So wat to do...we force ourselves to eat quickly at BurgerKing (Herbert almost can't finish his food...well..too rush indeeed)....and rush toward cineplex to catch the movie.
The Movie, One Last Dance aka Cha Wu...definitely worth watching...which i think is better than Confession of Pain and Golden Flower....it's about a hit man and how he take revenge for his friend and the woman he love...i really enjoy the movie..and i like the way the movie is present....it require u to think and re-arrange the picture and sence while u are watching it...and if u are smart enough....u should be able to understand the movie.....it's indeed a great movie....i think i will watch it for the second time...yeah...i gonna watch this movie again....
Friday, January 12, 2007
6 shirts!!!!!!!
Went out with Kuang Liang, Joshua, Herbert and Victor yesterday....i show them the video once again....haha...u people should know what the video was.....lol...well...we didn't forget to tease Victor...and especially Herbert who keep making the Vomit sound....haha....
Okok....maybe i sould upload the video...it's really interesting....let me consider....haha
Went IKEA food court for lunch....hey...it's the first time i went Ikea to have lunch..the meat ball is indeed delicious....
Atfer our lunch..we proceed to Queenstown shopping Mall....and we spent the whole afternoon there shoping for shirts, pants, jeans and shoes....it has really been a long time since i last shop...and u people know wat....i actually bought 6 shirts...yeah...6!!! it's the first time in the history that i bought so many shirts in just one shopping trip!!!!! intially...i was just thinking of buying one or two....but in the end...haha....Joshua they all didn't really stop me from buying...or...did they???
After that....Kuang Liang, Joshua and I went to Suntec City, Marche, to have our dinner...we reach there at 7pm plus plus...and only left that place when the staff inform us that it's about time that they close the shop....haha....well....the food there is nice....and we found a corner where we can sit down and have a long long chat session...as such we talk about our days in army.....our miserable life in SISPEC ( SAF Command School) training in Taiwan aka ROC....when we pass out as commander....when we were posted to 2SIR ( Singapore Infantry Regiment)....the UIP period....life in charlie company.......and all the way till now....waiting for our ORD ( 3 more weeks)...haha.....it was indeed a long chat....
Nearly 2 years of our army life...and we spent bulk of it together....hmm...I was telling them...will we become those "Hi"- "bye" friends after we ORD...after afew years down the road...Joshua replyed : " Of course not"...
For more than one year....i spent my time with them....we sleep together(sharing bunk with Joshua, Li ye and Yan wei)....eat together....train together....handle the man together....getting scold by our superior together...enduring the tough PT training together...suffer in out-field together...suffer under the hot sun and heavy rain together out having field camp and exercise....and for more than one year....i get to see them everyday in camp.....hmm....i really don't know how to describe this kinda bond...every morning when i wake up...i will see them.....hmm....Band of Brothers??
I feel really so lucky to have know all these buddies....from strangers to close friends...and let's hope that our friendship will last forever.....Friends Forever!!!! CheerSSsssSSssss~~~~
Okok....maybe i sould upload the video...it's really interesting....let me consider....haha
Went IKEA food court for lunch....hey...it's the first time i went Ikea to have lunch..the meat ball is indeed delicious....
Atfer our lunch..we proceed to Queenstown shopping Mall....and we spent the whole afternoon there shoping for shirts, pants, jeans and shoes....it has really been a long time since i last shop...and u people know wat....i actually bought 6 shirts...yeah...6!!! it's the first time in the history that i bought so many shirts in just one shopping trip!!!!! intially...i was just thinking of buying one or two....but in the end...haha....Joshua they all didn't really stop me from buying...or...did they???
After that....Kuang Liang, Joshua and I went to Suntec City, Marche, to have our dinner...we reach there at 7pm plus plus...and only left that place when the staff inform us that it's about time that they close the shop....haha....well....the food there is nice....and we found a corner where we can sit down and have a long long chat session...as such we talk about our days in army.....our miserable life in SISPEC ( SAF Command School) training in Taiwan aka ROC....when we pass out as commander....when we were posted to 2SIR ( Singapore Infantry Regiment)....the UIP period....life in charlie company.......and all the way till now....waiting for our ORD ( 3 more weeks)...haha.....it was indeed a long chat....
Nearly 2 years of our army life...and we spent bulk of it together....hmm...I was telling them...will we become those "Hi"- "bye" friends after we ORD...after afew years down the road...Joshua replyed : " Of course not"...
For more than one year....i spent my time with them....we sleep together(sharing bunk with Joshua, Li ye and Yan wei)....eat together....train together....handle the man together....getting scold by our superior together...enduring the tough PT training together...suffer in out-field together...suffer under the hot sun and heavy rain together out having field camp and exercise....and for more than one year....i get to see them everyday in camp.....hmm....i really don't know how to describe this kinda bond...every morning when i wake up...i will see them.....hmm....Band of Brothers??
I feel really so lucky to have know all these buddies....from strangers to close friends...and let's hope that our friendship will last forever.....Friends Forever!!!! CheerSSsssSSssss~~~~
Colour Zone Bar ANd poor Jacques... ...
Went to Boat Quey, Colour Zone Bar with jacques, Victor, Patrick, Ah Wee and Fahmy on Tuesday night.....a nice bar indeed....i like that bar....really enjoyed myself....
We open 3, 4 bottles of Wiskey and we spent our time there till 4am ( when the bar closed)....hahahaha....play pool....poker....singing....chatting....celebrating ORD....getting High!!!!...
And guys....u all know what?????? Victor got so drunk that night....and he suffer hang-over on the following day......LOL......
The most interesting part is that Victor vomitted in Jacques car when we were on our way back..lol....yeah!!! He vomited!!!! I didn't really expect that...he can hold his liquor well....but that night...hmm....maybe the gals there were too beautiful??? LOL....i believe that he drank the least....never really expect him to get so drunk.... P
Poor Jacques...his car was so smelly...i was sitting at the front sit beside Jacques...Patrick was behind with Victor( At that point of time...Victor was already so drunk..and he start to talk nonsense) Patrick was trying his very best to "calm" Victor down...and all of a sudden...Victor VOMITTED!!!!!! AGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Lucky for me...i was sitting infront and the sit was tall enough, if not my hair....my head will kanna!!!! but poor Mr Partick....he was sitting beside Victor..and i think he kanna some stuff....haha....but i still think Mr Jacques face the worst situationl.......his car....full of Victor "shit" and the whole car was so smelly...Agh...disgusting!!!!
I had to pull Victor out of the car....and accompany him to the guard house...and use the water cooler there to help wash up Victor ( OMG...who still dare to use that water cooler)....luckily..the Guard commander Kuang Liang, is our close friend!!!!! And Jacques and Patrick proceeded to the toilet beside officer mess to clean up the car.....
And the next day.....Jacques actually ask Victor to clean the car again....well.....the scent was still there......haha....Victor was feeling so Paiseh....but he do the chores willingly......haha...guess he didn't really have much choice...well...he was the one who vomitted....haha......and we all know that he feel so sorry for Jacques.....hahaha...
He keep saying that it's the first time he get so drunk....actually he said that so many time when he was already so drunk...i mean when we were on our way back......hahaha....
And Guys...u all know what!!!!! I actually took a Video of Victor drunk state.....yeah....haha...and i already show the video to some of our close friends...and some of our club and pub kaki who are not there that night!!!!!!
Hmm....thinking of uploading the video to the youtube and my blog....lol...do u guys think i should do that?????????? LOL>>>>>>>> HAHAHHAHA!!!!!
We open 3, 4 bottles of Wiskey and we spent our time there till 4am ( when the bar closed)....hahahaha....play pool....poker....singing....chatting....celebrating ORD....getting High!!!!...
And guys....u all know what?????? Victor got so drunk that night....and he suffer hang-over on the following day......LOL......
The most interesting part is that Victor vomitted in Jacques car when we were on our way back..lol....yeah!!! He vomited!!!! I didn't really expect that...he can hold his liquor well....but that night...hmm....maybe the gals there were too beautiful??? LOL....i believe that he drank the least....never really expect him to get so drunk.... P
Poor Jacques...his car was so smelly...i was sitting at the front sit beside Jacques...Patrick was behind with Victor( At that point of time...Victor was already so drunk..and he start to talk nonsense) Patrick was trying his very best to "calm" Victor down...and all of a sudden...Victor VOMITTED!!!!!! AGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Lucky for me...i was sitting infront and the sit was tall enough, if not my hair....my head will kanna!!!! but poor Mr Partick....he was sitting beside Victor..and i think he kanna some stuff....haha....but i still think Mr Jacques face the worst situationl.......his car....full of Victor "shit" and the whole car was so smelly...Agh...disgusting!!!!
I had to pull Victor out of the car....and accompany him to the guard house...and use the water cooler there to help wash up Victor ( OMG...who still dare to use that water cooler)....luckily..the Guard commander Kuang Liang, is our close friend!!!!! And Jacques and Patrick proceeded to the toilet beside officer mess to clean up the car.....
And the next day.....Jacques actually ask Victor to clean the car again....well.....the scent was still there......haha....Victor was feeling so Paiseh....but he do the chores willingly......haha...guess he didn't really have much choice...well...he was the one who vomitted....haha......and we all know that he feel so sorry for Jacques.....hahaha...
He keep saying that it's the first time he get so drunk....actually he said that so many time when he was already so drunk...i mean when we were on our way back......hahaha....
And Guys...u all know what!!!!! I actually took a Video of Victor drunk state.....yeah....haha...and i already show the video to some of our close friends...and some of our club and pub kaki who are not there that night!!!!!!
Hmm....thinking of uploading the video to the youtube and my blog....lol...do u guys think i should do that?????????? LOL>>>>>>>> HAHAHHAHA!!!!!
Sunday, January 7, 2007
A wonderful Sunday!!!!
Yeah...went out with my buddies for lunch today...Wei Wei, eng soon and Ah Jun Hui Ge (aka Ming Yi Fa shi) was present....haha....went and have our lunch at Suntec City....then walk around there....hmm....realise that it has been quite some time since i last step into Suntec...top level was doing some renovation...We remained there till dinner time and decided to go over to Bugis area to have our favourite Wanton Mee.....hahaha......we have a very long long long chat there....talk about so so so many many many stuff....hahaha...about relationship....about family...about our past ( when we were still waering PAP kindergatern Uniform).....present....and future....hmm.....really enjoyed myself so much with them....how i wish today is a Saturday.....den we can find another place to chill out longer...too bad...haiz...still need to be in camp 2moro....and both eng soon and wei wei need to go school 2moro...
Eng soon say he will be really busy when NTU start school 2moro....wei wei also will be very busy with works and school....haiz....hope that the next time i see them will not be too far away down the road....lol...cos i gonna ORD soon.....wat am i gonna do when all my buddies are busy!!!!!....OMG!!!!!
So people.....anyone free to keep me company when i ORD??? HAHAHA.....
Eng soon say he will be really busy when NTU start school 2moro....wei wei also will be very busy with works and school....haiz....hope that the next time i see them will not be too far away down the road....lol...cos i gonna ORD soon.....wat am i gonna do when all my buddies are busy!!!!!....OMG!!!!!
So people.....anyone free to keep me company when i ORD??? HAHAHA.....
Counting down for my ORD & My poor Thumb!!
YEs...finally....i will ORD in less than a month....hahaha....my freedom is gonna come back to me again!!!!!
Went back to camp for the past few days....had started to pack my stuff....will start to bring back my stuff over the remaining weeks....hmm....watching my friends packing their stuff too...planning their off and leave forecast....feel alittle sad....haha....yeah...sad....the feeling is so strange...i dun really know how to describe it.....althru want to ORD so badly...but now....finally when it is coming...can't really bear to say goodbye....i think i will always remember this 2 years in the army....i really learn lotsa things....happen to know many great friends.....these friends are those who really went thru think and thin with me in the army.....i wonder will we still be in contact after we ORD....??? I mean all of us will be so busy after we ORD...busy in NTU...NUS....or for some..Oversea studies...haiz... ....
Yesterday morning...had a basketball session with my close buddies...realised that i had been playing basketball everyweek ( at least one a week) for the past few weeks.....haha....but i injured my thumb yesterday....ouch.....it's so painful that i had to stop playing for quite a while....even now...after one day...it's still so painful...i can't bend my thumb...sometimes when i type...i can feel the pain as well....i can't even play my Playstation 2.....kaoz....even wash face and take a shower also pain....haiz.....sian...but injuries is common for guys like me who like out-door activities....lol..haha...hopefully my thumb can be ok soon...ouch~~~~
And later...i am meeting my buddies for lunch at city hall....hmm....it's been awhile since i had my lunch session with buddies...haha....think i will gonna enjoy this session....except that my painful thumb is disturbing me....haiz....
Ok ladies and gentleman reading this blog...wish u people have a nice day!!!! Let's enjoy our everyday!!!!! Live life to the fullest!!!!! see ya people!!!!
Went back to camp for the past few days....had started to pack my stuff....will start to bring back my stuff over the remaining weeks....hmm....watching my friends packing their stuff too...planning their off and leave forecast....feel alittle sad....haha....yeah...sad....the feeling is so strange...i dun really know how to describe it.....althru want to ORD so badly...but now....finally when it is coming...can't really bear to say goodbye....i think i will always remember this 2 years in the army....i really learn lotsa things....happen to know many great friends.....these friends are those who really went thru think and thin with me in the army.....i wonder will we still be in contact after we ORD....??? I mean all of us will be so busy after we ORD...busy in NTU...NUS....or for some..Oversea studies...haiz... ....
Yesterday morning...had a basketball session with my close buddies...realised that i had been playing basketball everyweek ( at least one a week) for the past few weeks.....haha....but i injured my thumb yesterday....ouch.....it's so painful that i had to stop playing for quite a while....even now...after one day...it's still so painful...i can't bend my thumb...sometimes when i type...i can feel the pain as well....i can't even play my Playstation 2.....kaoz....even wash face and take a shower also pain....haiz.....sian...but injuries is common for guys like me who like out-door activities....lol..haha...hopefully my thumb can be ok soon...ouch~~~~
And later...i am meeting my buddies for lunch at city hall....hmm....it's been awhile since i had my lunch session with buddies...haha....think i will gonna enjoy this session....except that my painful thumb is disturbing me....haiz....
Ok ladies and gentleman reading this blog...wish u people have a nice day!!!! Let's enjoy our everyday!!!!! Live life to the fullest!!!!! see ya people!!!!
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Starting of the Year!!!!
Today....went Ikea and courts mega superstore with my family ( Hahaha...think it's about time for me to spend some time with them)......went there in the afternoon.....hmmm....indeed a great place to shop for great things....haha.....
And now....i am free to plan for things that are gonna happen in 2007...well.....the biggest thing which is gonna happen in 2007 is my ORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahha....finally....it's gonna happen in about 34 days time..erm..which is in about 5 more weeks time....lol....i really can't wait to ORD....i want my freedom back!!!! HAha...looking forward for my life after i ORD.....heez....
Hmm....i am currently looking for jobs to do for the period after i ORD and before i enter Uni....so people reading this blog....erm...any lobangs???
Hmm....is a new year....should i have some new year resolutions???
1. spend less money!!!!
2. Save more money!!!
3. Don't go clubbing!!!! ( Hahaha....wondering...will this happen??)
4. Sleep early!!!!
5. Spend more times with my love ones...
6. Read more books!!!!
7. Enjoy Life to the fullest!!!!!
8. Eat less cup noodles!!!!!
Hahaha....so wat do u guys think??? i have lotsa resolution??? to be honest...i am still thinking...
LoL.....well....It's the start of the year......we shall all start everything afresh!!!
We shall leave all unhappiness behind at 2006.....Life is precious....World is just too beautiful....live our life to the fullest and we shall have a great year ahead....cheers!!!!
And now....i am free to plan for things that are gonna happen in 2007...well.....the biggest thing which is gonna happen in 2007 is my ORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahha....finally....it's gonna happen in about 34 days time..erm..which is in about 5 more weeks time....lol....i really can't wait to ORD....i want my freedom back!!!! HAha...looking forward for my life after i ORD.....heez....
Hmm....i am currently looking for jobs to do for the period after i ORD and before i enter Uni....so people reading this blog....erm...any lobangs???
Hmm....is a new year....should i have some new year resolutions???
1. spend less money!!!!
2. Save more money!!!
3. Don't go clubbing!!!! ( Hahaha....wondering...will this happen??)
4. Sleep early!!!!
5. Spend more times with my love ones...
6. Read more books!!!!
7. Enjoy Life to the fullest!!!!!
8. Eat less cup noodles!!!!!
Hahaha....so wat do u guys think??? i have lotsa resolution??? to be honest...i am still thinking...
LoL.....well....It's the start of the year......we shall all start everything afresh!!!
We shall leave all unhappiness behind at 2006.....Life is precious....World is just too beautiful....live our life to the fullest and we shall have a great year ahead....cheers!!!!
Last Day.....First Day...
Hello people....Had been going out for the past 2 days....no time and too tired to update my blog....haha....but nevertheless...i want to wish u guys a very Happy Happy New year.....it's the start of a new year and may of us have a great Year ahead!!!! Live life to the fullest...enjoy!!!!
31st Dec 2006...
On New Year eve, went out with my buddies ( Eng Soon, Kian Yong, Justin, Alex, Jun Hui and ming loon) to ViVO city, guess what we did? Haha....we didn't go there for the count-down party wor....haha....we decided to avoid the crowd this year....and so....when people outside were counting down to New year....we were actually inside the theater watching movie....aren't we smart?? Hmm....i really enjoyed myself on that night!!!! Thanks buddies!!!!! You guys are the last few people who were with me when 2006 end...and also the first few people to be with me when 2007 begin.....thanks....really....let's hope 2007 will be a great year for all of us!!!!
1st Jan 2007...
Only reach home at around 7am.....so shag...and tired...haha...went for a quick shower and after that...head straight to my bed....hahahaha...i miss my bed!!!!! LOL.....but don't know why...only slept for afew hours....wake up before lunch......have a new hair cut....well....it's a new year....i shall give my look a little change.....hahaha...but i didn't really like the new hairstyle...it's not what i really want....haiz....i shall blame the hairstylist....kaoz.....
Met up with a close buddy and go for lunch together.....he has been facing some problems lately....it's the first time i saw him so sad....i couldn't do much....i could only be a good listener...but he has been my close buddy since Primary 1...he sure knows that no matter what problem he face...he will still have me and a whole group of brothers beside him....
Kian Yong and wei guo join my buddy and i for dinner that night...we have a long chat session...hope that the chat session will help him overcome the problem ba....or at least help him relieve his pain and sadness...later that night....my buddy went back home...Kian Yong, Wei guo and I went to our old gathering place....it's a place where we would spent time chatting..yeah....it has been awhile since we last went there...we talk about lotsa things....our younger days when we were still primary school kids.....we talk about our family....boy-gal relationship.....our sad story....our story.....and we go on and on....we chat for hours...all the way till 2am....haha...a long chat isn't it? It's has been a long time since we chat for so long... ...
31st Dec 2006...
On New Year eve, went out with my buddies ( Eng Soon, Kian Yong, Justin, Alex, Jun Hui and ming loon) to ViVO city, guess what we did? Haha....we didn't go there for the count-down party wor....haha....we decided to avoid the crowd this year....and so....when people outside were counting down to New year....we were actually inside the theater watching movie....aren't we smart?? Hmm....i really enjoyed myself on that night!!!! Thanks buddies!!!!! You guys are the last few people who were with me when 2006 end...and also the first few people to be with me when 2007 begin.....thanks....really....let's hope 2007 will be a great year for all of us!!!!
1st Jan 2007...
Only reach home at around 7am.....so shag...and tired...haha...went for a quick shower and after that...head straight to my bed....hahahaha...i miss my bed!!!!! LOL.....but don't know why...only slept for afew hours....wake up before lunch......have a new hair cut....well....it's a new year....i shall give my look a little change.....hahaha...but i didn't really like the new hairstyle...it's not what i really want....haiz....i shall blame the hairstylist....kaoz.....
Met up with a close buddy and go for lunch together.....he has been facing some problems lately....it's the first time i saw him so sad....i couldn't do much....i could only be a good listener...but he has been my close buddy since Primary 1...he sure knows that no matter what problem he face...he will still have me and a whole group of brothers beside him....
Kian Yong and wei guo join my buddy and i for dinner that night...we have a long chat session...hope that the chat session will help him overcome the problem ba....or at least help him relieve his pain and sadness...later that night....my buddy went back home...Kian Yong, Wei guo and I went to our old gathering place....it's a place where we would spent time chatting..yeah....it has been awhile since we last went there...we talk about lotsa things....our younger days when we were still primary school kids.....we talk about our family....boy-gal relationship.....our sad story....our story.....and we go on and on....we chat for hours...all the way till 2am....haha...a long chat isn't it? It's has been a long time since we chat for so long... ...
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