The most interesting part is when both of us were having dinner at PS food-court...where an old lady share the table with us...hahaha....The old lady actually tot that Joanne and Me are in a BG relationship....hahahha....OMG!!! We didn't do anything intimate...wonder where this friendly old lady get the idea from.....well...at the point of time...Joanne and me didn't tell her the truth..cos the old lady was so enthuse in telling us how to maintain and have a happy relationship...so the both of us just sit down there( Joanne was kicking my leg under the table)..smile and listen...
This is what actually happen:
We were having Indonesian BBQ chicken and fish meal at PS food-court...as Joanne can't finish her meal...she cut the chicken into small pieces and put it into my plate ( Maybe this cause the mis-understanding...hahaha).....den the old lady look at us..and smile...Joanne and I were in a conversation about what course i am gonna study in NTU....den the old lady start to come into our conversation...
Old Lady: "He is taking Chinese studies..maybe he will become a lecturer one day..."
Both Joanne and me smile back..and i nodded my head!
Old Lady: "The 2 of you are really well-behave and mannered..very polite...not like those youngsters who like to intimate in public.."
Joanne: "Orh...ya ya..we are not that young anymore..."
Zhong Ren: "Yes yes..." ( i started to laugh...and Joanne was kicking my leg under the table)
Old Lady: "actually the most important thing in a relationship is happiness..as long as both of u are happy and love each other...other things are not a problem.."
We smile and nodded our head, Joanne was kicking me leg again!!
This friendly lady keep saying as long as both are happy and love each other...bla..bla..bla...
And before she left...she wishes us all the best in our relationship!!!! OMG!!!!!
Haha...it's the very first time that the both of us are so seriously mis-taken as a young couple...LOL...it's so funny...i dun really know how to describe it....hahaha...just tot that this is really interesting and want to share this with u guys out here reading my blog!!!!
DO u people have similar incident before???